
Air Purifier in Kalstein

An air purifier is a specialized equipment that allows to eliminate elements in pollutants present in the air such as: pollen, mites, dust, smoke. That is, they clean and purify the air we breathe, offering a better quality of life.

These equipments capture the ambient air using a fan, then this air goes through a filtering system where the impurities are trapped, and the air returns to the room. In this way, it eliminates pollutant particles that affect air quality, but has no effect on temperature or humidity.

Types of purifiers

  • Basic filters: usually washable or interchangeable, they can be made of various types of materials such as foam, cotton, fiberglass.
  • HEPA filter: it responds to the acronym in English of high efficiency particulate filter (high efficiency particulate air) and is composed of a fiber mesh, which can be made of different materials. Its use ranges from application in small household appliances to much more complex systems such as air filters used in aviation.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Purifier – is based on ultraviolet radiation technology and is designed to destroy airborne bacteria, germs, and viruses.
  • Air ionizer: creates negative ions, through a process in which it electrically charges molecules of the gases in the air, and therefore attracts these annoying and health-damaging particles.

Benefits of a Kalstein Air Purifier

  • Eliminate approximately 99% of dust particles larger than 0.3 micrometers
  • They can breathe in any type of smoke in the air.
  • They clean the air of all particles and impurities that cause allergies.
  • Eliminate dust particles, pollen, and animal hair.

When choosing an air purifier you should look at the following parameters that you should analyze

  • Type of filtering system: It is important to know its efficiency, the way it works and the type of particles it will clean.
  • Power: Refers to the filtering capacity of the air purifier. With a higher power, more speed when cleaning.
  • Cleaning capacity: It is expressed in square or cubic meters. Indicates the maximum size of the room to filter.
  • Filters: Ideally, the air purifier has HEPA filters
  • Noise: The average noise produced by air purifiers is 30 decibels. It’s a constant noise they make, so the quieter the better.
  • Size: The larger the capacity of the purifier, the larger the appliance generally has. If you want a device that is easy to transport from place to place, choose a moderately sized one.
  • Ionizing function. It is a function that incorporates the mid and high range purifiers. They create a field of negatively charged ions, which through chemical bonds join positively charged ions generated by the devices that surround us with electromagnetic fields, harmful to our health. So it is a plus to filter cleaning.
  • Active carbon: Eliminates bad odors or odoriferous particles
  • Noise: The average noise produced by air purifiers is 30 decibels. It’s a constant noise they make, so the quieter the better.
  • Size: The larger the capacity of the purifier, the larger the appliance generally has. If you want a device that is easy to transport from place to place, choose a moderately sized one.

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