
Fetal monitors, main brands

Fetal monitors are medical equipment used for the purpose of prenatal monitoring to measure and graphically display maternal abdominal contractions and fetal heart rate on the screen and on a chart recorder. These machines record the amount, intensity level, and duration of contractions, as well as the fetal heart rate.

Knowing the health status of the fetus is of great importance for both medical personnel and parents. That is why one of the key tools to analyze the well-being of the baby is the fetal monitor.

Fetal monitoring is a rapid method used to assess fetal well-being and fetal hemodynamic parameters, currently constituting an essential and very useful tool for the control of high-risk pregnancies.

How does a fetal monitor work?

A fetal monitor allows evaluation of the fetal heartbeat by Doppler ultrasound measurement. Based on the fact that the ultrasonic waves propagated at a certain frequency, they will be reflected if they meet an obstacle. If the obstacle persists, the return wave will have the same frequency with respect to the transmitted one.

Once the obstacle moves, the frequency of the return wave changes. The greater the displacement of the object, the greater the change in frequency obtained. This is the so-called Doppler effect. With this equipment, the ultrasound probe is placed on the hoods of the pregnant woman, and important data of the fetal heart rate can be obtained, since when the transmitted wave meets the heart of the fetus, the return wave will develop a frequency that can be displayed. With this rate, it is possible to monitor the fetal heartbeat and its rate.

The ultrasonic sensor is composed of piezoelectric materials, which are characterized by generating an electrical signal when receiving a pressure wave, and by the particularity of vibrating when applying electrical excitation.

Uses of the fetal monitor in pregnancy

  • If the pregnancy is healthy, fetal monitoring in the final weeks of pregnancy, to confirm the well-being of the baby.
  • Probable cases of preterm pregnancy, that is, when after 6 months the pregnant woman goes to the doctor for contractions
  • When the mother has perceived a sudden decrease in the baby’s movements, or, failing that, she does not feel any type of movement.

Using the fetal monitor during labor

This equipment is of great help to specialist doctors in the area such as obstetrician-gynecologists during childbirth, and they provide very effective guidance throughout the process.

Main brands of fetal monitors

In the market there are multiple brands of fetal monitors, but given the importance of this medical equipment, it is necessary that you have the best, that is, that it provides the most accurate and reliable results, among them we can mention:

  • Splenger
  • Sontrax
  • Huntleigh
  • Heal Force
  • Comen
  • Promed
  • Progetti
  • Medgyn
  • Kalstein

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS of medical equipment with the most advanced technology at the best PRICES, including an innovative fetal monitor of the highest quality. That is why we invite you to take a look at our product catalog. HERE