Benefits of using Electrophoresis in Veterinary Medicine

Undoubtedly, the possibility of using molecular genetics in the field of veterinary sciences and agriculture, is that the production of animals with very commercially significant exogenous genes that encode quantitative traits valuable from the economic point of view, is of relative importance. In that sense, the characterization of genes that cause congenital diseases is more important than the creation of transgenic animals.

In the field of general public health, infectious and parasitic diseases have been seen to have repeatedly destroyed the world’s population, killing or weakening thousands of its inhabitants. Hereditary diseases, although less common, have similar consequences and affect groups of people and animals. In this sense, the application of the various techniques of molecular biology, such as electrophoresis, are beneficial, as it supports research in veterinary medicine, in key aspects such as:

  • Establishing the identity of animals and their related products.
  • To support the identification and diagnosis of genetic and infectious diseases.
  • Selection of animals with genes of interest in breeding programs.

Why is electrophoresis beneficial in the veterinary field?

The elucidation of the structure, function and metabolism of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has led to the current global revolution in DNA technology, with the possibility to modify and select these molecules in many ways for the benefit of man and animals. Although all of these techniques have ethical implications that cannot be overlooked, if all bioethics protocols are met, the benefits are far-reaching.

These facts indicate that methods of molecular genetics and biotechnology, such as PCR, electrophoresis and recombinant DNA, are indispensable tools for the detection and treatment of diseases, identification of animals and products and selection of beneficial traits in animals. The use of these tools for the detection of genetic diseases is important not only in humans, but also in the veterinary world.

A few years ago, one could only know that a child had inherited a specific genetic disease when symptoms were revealed; today, one can assess the possibility of inheriting a particular disorder by locating genes among thousands using either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or gene probes, using new genetic engineering techniques.

In what molecular biology techniques does electrophoresis support?

One of the techniques where electrophoresis complements its power in the separation of DNA segments is the PCR described above. PCR is one of the most versatile techniques in molecular genetics with a wide range of applications in the medical and veterinary sciences. PCR has multiple applications in:

  • Gene Cloning.
  • Biodiversity studies.
  • Diagnosis.
  • Forensic medicine.
  • Breeding.

Biotechnology has great potential for harnessing the genetic potential of animals and improving their genetic yield. Animal husbandry techniques such as embryo transfer have been used to safely spread animals of similar genotype and phenotype. Recent DNA-based techniques have made it easier to identify specific gene sequences, called genetic markers, that mark desirable or undesirable traits in animals.

Recently, a genetic marker was identified that differentiates Bos taurus from bovine Bos indicus using combined DNA PCR amplification and RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism). This marker is potentially useful for breeding high-yield temperate animals for resistance to trypanosomiasis.

Markers are also used to determine the genetic relationship in animals using RFLP and other DNA fingerprinting methods, for trade, litigation or phylogenetic studies. DNA fingerprinting can also be used accurately to track offspring to parents or genetic source.

Kalstein electrophoresis equipment as allies of veterinary sciences

Electrophoresis is a tool for the separation of the segments obtained after a PCR, thus being able to detect key alleles in studies of the animal genome, with different purposes. The electrophoresis equipment of the manufacturer Kalstein, allows the obtaining of reliable results that assist the researchers in veterinary, since they are characterized by: use of buffer solution in sufficient quantity for a rigorous control of the pH, easy to assemble and disassemble, and a lid that prevents the solution evaporate, which can bring problems in the separation. These devices, their prices, purchase and quotation can be reviewed at the link HERE

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