
Optimize your veterinary diagnostics with Digital X-ray (DR) technology: An analysis of the YR06162 model

Technological evolution has allowed great advances in the field of veterinary medicine. The Veterinary Digital X-ray (DR) YR06162 equipment proposes an innovative solution for the capture and analysis of medical images. It capitalizes on the maximum output power of 16 kW and the inverter frequency of over 30kHz to ensure the clarity and accuracy of radiographic images.

In addition, this equipment handles a radiography tube voltage range that oscillates between 40kv and 125kv, and a tube current range of 16~200mA. This translates into high flexibility when generating images of various tissues and species, being able to adjust the parameters to obtain the best possible image quality.

User-Friendly and System Self-Protection

The Veterinary Digital X-ray (DR) YR06162 stands out for its intuitive RS-232 communication interface, which facilitates user interaction and interpretation of data. The technology incorporated in this system allows automatic capacity blocking and automatic fault diagnosis, preventing damage to the equipment and ensuring optimal performance.

In addition, it has self-protection functions, which allows preserving the equipment’s useful life by preventing potential damage from overload or other operational problems. This feature is crucial for crucial and valuable equipment like the YR06162.

High Capacity and Efficiency

The YR06162 equipment stands out for its high capacity and efficiency during operation. With a maximum tube voltage of 125 kV, and a focus varying between 1.0 mm for a small focus and 2.0 mm for a large focus, it can obtain images of excellent precision.

The anode input power reaches 20KW for a small focus and 40KW for a large focus, allowing a high speed of image acquisition, and facilitating the taking of radiographs under various conditions. The anode speed of 2800 R/M and the target angle of 17.5° allows great efficiency in the production and focus of X-rays.

Adaptability to Various Clinical Needs

The Veterinary Digital X-ray (DR) YR06162 equipment stands out for its great adaptability to different clinical needs. Its wide exposure time range, ranging from 0.0025s to 6.4s, and the mAs range that oscillates between 0.5mAs~320mAs, offer a wide range of possibilities to adapt to different diagnostic conditions.

Thus, this equipment is a versatile tool in the diagnosis and monitoring of various pathologies, from bone fractures to the inspection of soft tissues such as internal organs.

Medical Applications of the YR06162

The technical specifications of the Veterinary Digital X-ray (DR) YR06162 make it ideal for various medical applications:

– Diagnosis of bone diseases and fractures in small and large species.

– Inspection of soft tissues and internal organs.

– Detection of foreign bodies.

– Monitoring the progress of chronic diseases.

– Pre-surgical or pre-treatment evaluations.

– General health exams in routine check-ups.

– Study of development in young animals.

These are just some of the possible applications of the YR06162 equipment, showing that it is a powerful and vital resource in modern veterinary medicine.

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