
Air Purifier and Covid

An air purifier is a device that is used to eliminate polluting elements in the home, from smoke to particles that float in the environment. The main function of the air purifier is to clean and purify the air we breathe to provide us with a better quality of life.

This equipment “absorbs” the air, filters it and returns it to the clean environment. This gives a constant renewal of the air while it is in operation. It removes particles and pollutants that decrease indoor air quality, but does not control temperature or humidity.

Air purifiers in times of pandemic by Covid

The appearance of Covid has made us consider at the cleanliness level everything that we do not see and that is why we take into account that in the air there are particles in suspension that we breathe in. To fight against the coronavirus indoors, ventilation is a key element: scientists and national and international organizations have already recognized the decisive role that aerosols have in contagion. And it is that when there is no air renewal (something that happens in closed environments), these tiny particles are suspended and the risk of contagion multiplies.

Therefore, ensuring proper air circulation is essential. And since it is not always possible to keep the windows open and winter causes many people to have contact indoors, we can turn to devices for additional help: for example, air purifiers that have microparticle filters. The most popular are those with HEPA certification, which are characterized by their great filtering capacity, trapping up to 99% of harmful particles present in the environment.

Where to use an air purifier?

Air purifiers can be used in any room and are beneficial against particles that cause allergies (pollen, mites, pet dander) so that people with asthma – some models as mentioned eliminate up to 99% of the largest dust particles at 0.3 micrometers-, skin sensitivity or dermatitis or respiratory problems, even headaches, may notice its benefits.

There are different types of purifiers

  • Basic filters: usually washable or interchangeable, they can be made of various types of materials such as foam, cotton, fiberglass.
  • HEPA filter: it responds to the acronym in English of high efficiency particulate filter (high efficiency particulate air) and is composed of a fiber mesh, which can be made of different materials. Its use ranges from application in small household appliances to much more complex systems such as air filters used in aviation.
  • Ultraviolet Ray (UV) Purifier: It is based on ultraviolet radiation technology and is designed to destroy airborne bacteria, germs and viruses.
  • Air ionizer: creates negative ions, through a process in which it electrically charges molecules of the gases in the air, and therefore attracts these annoying and harmful particles to health.

The advantages of air purifiers

The use of these devices entails a series of advantages that, later, are reflected in the health of the people who live or work in the place where they are, as well as in their breathing capacity, once they:

  • They clean the air of all allergy-causing particles and impurities.
  • They can breathe in any potential smoke in the air.
  • They remove approximately 99% of dust particles larger than 0.3 microns.
  • They remove various pollutants in addition to dust, animal hair, or pollen.

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