
Laboratory water purification system

The water purification system is equipment used to eliminate inorganic ions, bacteria, gases, particles and organic pollutants that may be present in tap water. Thus providing an important source of pure water for many laboratory procedures since perfectly pure distilled water is required for most of these procedures.

To name one of the many applications of pure water in laboratories is the preparation of culture media for microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) used in clinical laboratories for diagnosis and research.


  • Facilitates the removal of unwanted contaminants.
  • Does not require expensive technology.
  • Offers immediate availability of pure water.

Water filtration methods

Boiling purification: the temperature is increased to the boiling level; this eliminates algae, fungi, and some bacteria.

Filtration through internal bed or granular media: this system traps the largest particles, leaving them in the different layers of sand arranged in different size layers. In addition to sand, you can use gravel, silica sand, ion exchange resins and calcite.

Filtration through activated carbon: the water is introduced through the upper part of an active carbon column and by the effect of gravity or an artificial pressure, circulate downwards and be filtered, this component, activated carbon absorbs many unwanted elements in water.

Cartridge filtration: here the water passes through a filter paper, said paper has the power to retain any residue of more than 0.22 microns that is suspended in the water.

Reverse osmosis: this method passes the water at high pressures through a semi-permeable membrane that separates the water that is higher in minerals, from that of low salts.

The semi-permeable membrane has the function of removing most of the solids, and 95% to 99% of the bacteria.

UV light: UV light is used to kill bacteria. The UV spectrum kills bacteria, thus sterilizing the water.

Water ozonation; Ozone is a gas that is injected into water and works by oxidizing inorganic and organic compounds, destroying them and preventing the growth of algae and putrefaction in the water. Its effectiveness is directly proportional to the amount of gas and the time it has with the water.

Importance of the pure water system in laboratories

The importance of having purified water at the immediate disposal in the laboratories granted by the purification system lies, in the multiple purposes for which it is destined; purposes such as drug production, laboratory ice preparation, solution preparation, reagent dissolution, culture media preparation, sample processing, among many others. That otherwise would not be possible to do effectively. In addition, not having immediate availability of pure water forces the suppliers to supply it, and despite the fact that it is an alternative solution; a delay in delivery would be equivalent to a delay in daily work. at the laboratory. That is why the water purification system is essential and must be present in each institution.

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS and we offer high quality water purification systems at the best PRICE on the market. Visit us on our website, in the products section. HERE