
Importance of the Electrolyte Analyser for Measuring Calcium in Pediatric Patients

Calcium is a mineral that has a variety of benefits in the body, it is necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones and to perform important functions. This mineral, characterized by its rigid structure, is the most abundant in the body, since almost all stored calcium is present in the teeth and bones.

Calcium intake is an important factor in all ages, however, the proper consumption of calcium in children is a key aspect in their formation, since it is the time when bones develop, so its intake helps them to have resistant bones and greater protection future to combat bone loss.

On the other hand, the electrolyte analyser is an essential scientific instrument in clinical tests, it is used for the detection of sodium, potassium, chloride, lithium and calcium ions in samples. This sample may be serum, urine, plasma, whole blood, and hydrated fluids. Electrolyte analyzers have high accuracy and precision in any measurement result.

Importance of the Electrolyte Analyser for Measuring Calcium in Pediatric Patients

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, in the childhood stage is essential for the optimal development of the child, being an important nutrient for them, because it helps the formation of their bones. Depending on the age of the children, their genetics, and their level of physical activity, you will be able to know how much calcium they need. 200 mg per day is recommended for children under 6 months of age and 1300 mg per day for adolescents.

Although calcium must be part of a child’s diet from birth, for its development and growth, overuse of it could bring problems associated with hypercalcemia, which is excess calcium in the blood, which produces alterations in the adrenal glands, hyperthyroidism or renal failure. In contrast, the deficiency of this mineral produces bone deformity, rickets and increased possibility of osteoporosis.

On the other hand, electrolytes are minerals in the blood that maintain the electrical charge of fluids. It is valuable to do a study of electrolyte levels in patients, since they are responsible for measuring how much minerals with electrical charge are in our body, in addition to bringing nutrients to the cells and removing waste from them. For this reason, through electrolyte analyzers special tests are done on urine, blood, tissues and other body fluids, since in these can be determined the amount of potassium, chloride, sodium, bicarbonate and calcium.

Electrolyte Analyser

An electrolyte analyser is a device used to detect calcium, potassium, chloride, sodium and lithium ions in samples of blood, serum, plasma, hydrated fluids or urine. Its great precision and accuracy in any measurement result is what makes it a fundamental team within clinical laboratories. The application of electrolyte analyser is mainly in the field of medicine. It is used for experimental laboratory tests and clinical trials. It is of vital importance to detect ions in people who need rehydration in surgery, who have diarrhea, burns or infarcts.

Electrolyte analyzers are usually composed of electrodes, a system of pipes, circuits, a screen, and a printer. Using electrolyte analyzers, it is known why a person has problems in their body, such as kidney disease, dehydration, heart disease, diabetes, acidosis (excess acid in the blood) and alkalosis (excess bases in the blood).

Kalstein Electrolyte Analyser

At Kalstein we are the leading MANUFACTURERS of laboratory and clinical equipment, able to meet all the needs and demands of our customers. Among the wide variety of equipment available for sale, we have electrolyte analyzers, which are ideal for laboratories for their important task of measuring the levels of carbon dioxide and electrolytes in the blood of patients. If you want to purchase an electrolyte analyser you can view our catalog to make the PURCHASE, we assure you that our equipment is of high quality, in addition to having the best PRICES. To access our electrolyte analyser, visit the following link HERE