
Technical Analysis and Specifications of Kalstein’s YR06099 Veterinary Anesthesia Machine

As a commercial expert in medical and laboratory equipment, one is always looking for suppliers that offer the best in quality and performance. Kalstein, a standout manufacturer in the industry, makes its mark with the YR06099 veterinary anesthesia machine. In this analysis, we will delve into its technical characteristics and operational versatility. https://kalstein.net/en/product/veterinary-anesthesia-machine-yr06099/

Gas Flow and Demand Capabilities

The YR06099 has a variable gas flow supply capacity of between 0.2 to 15L/min. However, if the concentration is above 4%, the rate decreases to 0.2-8L/min. To power this machine, a gas source is required that combines pure medical oxygen with air or a mixture of O2 and N2O (oxygen and nitrous oxide).

– It has a single channel.

– The value of the command allows adjusting the concentration of the mixture.

– The precision of the concentration control is ±5% of the full scale or ±15% of the set value.

Concentration Control and Anesthesia Dosage

The control concentration range for Sevoflurane is 0.2-8% (v/v), while for Isoflurane it is 0.2-5% (v/v). Regarding anesthesia dosage:

– The total volume of dry wick is 300mL.

– The visible liquid level varies between 250mL from the minimum scale to the maximum.

The consumption of anesthetics is located at approximately 3 times the gas supply flow multiplied by the set concentration value. The loss of anesthesia under these conditions is practically nil.

Manufacturing and Usage Conditions

The YR06099 veterinary anesthesia machine can withstand a maximum pressure load of 20 kPa and can be used up to a maximum tilt angle of 30°.

– The machine is mainly made of aluminum.

– It can operate between temperatures of 5~40°C and atmospheric pressure of 700~1060hPa.

In addition, it can be stored in temperatures of -40~55°C with an atmospheric pressure of 500~1060hPa.

Purchase and Sale of YR06099 Veterinary Anesthesia Machine

The technical specifications of the YR06099 veterinary anesthesia machine are high-end, therefore, this is a valuable acquisition for any veterinary clinic. As part of Kalstein’s product catalog, one can expect a durable and high-performance device. It is advisable to approach directly to the manufacturer or authorized distributors for the purchase of this machine. In terms of sale, the price can vary depending on the supplier and the geographical location.

The YR06099 represents a cost-effective investment that improves efficiency and safety in veterinary procedures. Whether you are in the market to buy or sell, this well-crafted and reliable veterinary anesthesia equipment is a solid choice.