
Discovering the YR06102: Veterinary Anesthesia Ventilator from Kalstein

In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of veterinary medicine, equipment must keep up to date. In this regard, Kalstein presents its YR06102 model of veterinary anesthesia ventilator. This innovative equipment features a 5.5′ SNT Screen, providing a clear and sharp display of all the ventilator’s functions and parameters.

In addition to an optimal display, the YR06102 also shows the P-t and V-t waveforms. This allows veterinarians to better understand the flow of respiration and pressure fluctuations over time, a key functionality for precise patient monitoring. 

Multiple Breathing Modes

The YR06102 not only excels in its design and display but also shines in its technical capabilities. With three breathing modes: IPPV, SIMV, and MANUAL, this ventilator offers great flexibility to adapt to the needs of each patient and specific procedure. 

Each mode suits different clinical situations: IPPV for invasive ventilation and SIMV for non-invasive ventilation, or also has the MANUAL mode that allows medical professionals to directly control ventilation. This makes the YR06102 a versatile and adaptable piece of equipment.

Wide Range of Tidal Volume and Respiratory Frequency

The YR06102 veterinary anesthesia ventilator stands out for its wide tidal volume of 0.50ml~1600ml and a respiratory frequency that varies from 1 to 65 BPM. This extensive range gives veterinarians the ability to precisely adjust and tune ventilation according to their patient’s needs.

Furthermore, the Inspiration: Expiration ratio (I:E ratio) of 8:1~1:8 allows veterinarians to effectively manage the time the patient spends inhaling compared to exhalation. This is a standout feature of the YR06102 that sets it apart from other ventilators on the market.

Alerts and Safety

The equipment provides alerts such as a high-pressure alarm, low-pressure alarm, O2 source loss alarm, and AC power loss alarm. These alerts ensure the proper functioning of the equipment and allow for prompt intervention in the event of any irregularity.

For added safety, it also has high-pressure alarm limits of 20~60cmH2O and a low-pressure alarm limit of 0~20cmH2O. Additionally, it has a safety valve pressure limit of 6Kpa that prevents any type of accident or equipment failure.

In conclusion, Kalstein’s YR06102 veterinary anesthesia ventilator is designed with veterinarians and their needs in mind. With its intuitive design, flexible and wide-ranging breathing modes, as well as its enhanced safety features, the YR06102 is undoubtedly a valuable addition to any veterinary practice seeking the best in patient care and high technology.

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