
Fetal monitoring during childbirth.

There is a generalized clinical protocol, where all health professionals perform clinical practices in all hospitals and health centers,to guarantee quality medical assistance  and allow women to  actively participate in decision-making about their birth process, being the use of fetal monitoring, the way to inform of the different existing options and their benefits .

Fetal monitoring allows to check the heart rate of the baby (fetus), throughout the duration of labor, know if your baby has any problems due to a high-risk pregnancy or if on the contrary it is a low-risk pregnancy the mother can ask for intermittent monitoring, it is normal to perform fetal monitoring in the 37th week of pregnancy and until week 40,  weekly and then close to the due date every 3 or 4 days.

Fetal ElectronicMonitoring

Since we confirm the pregnancy it is important to monitor the heart rate in the baby, and when labor begins, the baby’s heart rate is monitored with an ultrasound machine while the mother’s contractions are monitored with a pressure sensor.

There are fetal heart rate patterns during childbirth characterized by having a basal rhythm between 110 and 160 beats / min, accelerations related to the movement of the baby, variability of the baseline and absence of decelerations; the majority present during childbirth and the proper interpretation of fetal electronic monitoring allows to know the state of the fetus.

Fetal monitoring

  • External monitoring: allows to record the heart rate of the baby, when he moves and when he is still; It is done using two flat devices called sensors, these are connected to a machine (ultrasound), one allows to keep track of the baby’s heart rate and the other measures contractions.
  • Internal monitoring: in this case it can be done after the cervix has dilated and the amniotic sac has ruptured; this is more accurate, because it is done by placing a sensor on the mother’s thigh and an electrode on the cervix in the uterus, in this way the baby’s heartbeat is recorded.

Why perform fetal monitoring during childbirth

  • It allows you to keep track of the baby’s heart rate.
  • Measure the frequency and duration of contractions.
  • Determine if it is a preterm birth.
  • Check the placenta to make sure he or she is getting enough oxygen.
  • Predict fetal growth retardation.
  • Determine if labor is putting the baby’s health at risk.

Pros and cons of electronic fetal monitoring

  • Pros:
  1. Lower rates of neonatal seizures (0.15%).
  2. Some monitors are wireless andwaterproof.
  3. Health care providers may use recording in the event of alawsuit.
  • Contras:
  1. Higher rates of C-sections, forceps andvacuum.
  2. Most monitors require you to be restricted tobed.
  3. The monitor can be uncomfortable anddistracted.
  4. Nurses may focus more on monitoring and paying less attention to you.

Our company Kalstein has at its disposal a variety of patient monitors and fetal monitor, which allows real-time printing of the baby’s frequency, fetal movement and contraction pressure, allowing continuous monitoring of the baby’s heart rate; we also have a fetal Doppler ultrasound monitor; to ensure a correct and reliable measurement of the fetal heart rate,  in addition to the auditory frequency of the baby.

It is for these reasons that it is essential to acquire a fetal monitoring equipment that allows to ensure the health of the baby and give peace of mind to the mother at the time of delivery, and without a doubt it must be done through a recognized manufacturer, which offers a good price and high quality, where the offer of purchase-sale, is equivalent to a high-end product such as those manufactured by  our Kalstein company, it offers us online sales with guarantee, available HERE